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 Planning and Strategy

Before you even start your planning, we recommend a review of your policies, including your digital and AI policies, your risk profiles and your governance. Are your leaders aware of their obligations, the value of the data you are going to be managing, the potential risks and the  opportunities. We can help to talk to your goverance members about their role and their oblgations in fundraising.

A good plan then follows. Without a plan, you don’t know where you are going, you don’t know your priorities and you don’t know where to invest your fundraising budget. We can assist you and your organisation to identify your strengths and weaknesses to create an appropriate plan that suits your organisation right now.

Your plan will reflect your organisation’s strategic direction and will match income priorities with the right fundraising tools. An excellent plan is tailored to your organisation, your culture, your budget and your donor needs. 




Talk to us about how we can work together to produce the basic policies then an excellent plan that will ensure your fundraising is working for your organisation.


“The Foresee consultants have provided our charity with extensive knowledge and advice, useful for grant applications and fundraising initiatives enabling us to successfully raise money and meet funding goals.”

- Michelle Bouton, Fundraising Manager, SADD










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